Friday, February 7, 2014

FIRST AMENDMENT - Sports facts in real time

As you know, our media regulations prohibit the use of real-time, play-by-play transmission in digital outlets.  In order to enforce these regulations, beginning this year, we will revoke the on-site credentials of all journalists affiliated with outlets that post play-by-play coverage, whether those posts are originating from tournament site or otherwise.

From the article "Who owns real-time sports data?" which can be found here.  

INS v. AP (SCOTUS, 1918), Wikipedia entry is here.

Holmes' dissent began with this: "When an uncopyrighted combination of words is published there is no general right to forbid other people repeating them — in other words there is no property in the combination or in the thoughts or facts that the words express."

Brandeis' dissent included this: "If a legislature concluded, (as at least one court has held, New York & Chicago Grain & Stock Exchange v.Board of Trade, 127 Illinois, 153) that under certain circumstances news-gathering is a business affected with a public interest, it might declare that, in such cases, news should be protected against appropriation, only if the gatherer assumed the obligation of supplying it, at reasonable rates and without discrimination, to all papers which applied therefor."

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