Thursday, February 20, 2014

IP Protection - What's App

We don't save any messages on our servers, we don't store your chat history.
Ars regarding Whats App.

I worry about what [an acquiring] company would do with our population: we've made such an important promise to our users—no ads, no gimmicks, no games—that to have someone come along and buy us seems awfully unethical. It goes against my personal integrity.

Note, there are no issued patents, according to this report (Snapchat may not, either):

WhatsApp does not have any issued US patents, and the company owns a single published US patent application. Envision IP identified three unpublished patent applications naming Jan Koum, co-founder of WhatsApp, as an inventor that appear to be pending before the USPTO: application serial numbers 12/732182, 12/732192, and 12/732202.

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